I received an email This am that is totally changing the way that I have Thought, so far.
since I dont know much maybe it wont Take Too much "un-Learning" to get To where I want to go
so if Learning Styles do not exist, then what is There?
Imgs at head
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Pinky and The Brain
Hoagie's Gifted Education Page has some rather interesting Information about Brain Theory and Research on Brain and Learning Theories
HUGE LIST of articles
Brain System Behind General Intelligence Discovered
Global Warning! Global Warning! The search for Intelligent Life Forms on planet Earth may be Over!!
There is now some new research Information available that has been published indicating that the location of the parts of the brain that are responsible for General Intelligence may have been discovered.
"The brain regions important for general intelligence are found in several specific places (orange regions shown on the brain on the left). Looking inside the brain reveals the connections between these regions, which are particularly important to general intelligence. In the image on the right, the brain has been made partly transparent. The big orange regions in the right image are connections (like cables) that connect the specific brain regions in the image on the left."
California Institute of Technology (2010, February 23). Brain system behind general intelligence discovered. ScienceDaily. Retrieved January 19.
Hoagies even Links to Science Daily which also has a TON of Information, Brain related.
News, Articles, Videos, Images, Books
RSS Feeds Links
[Instructional Design, RSS] here is a Link to a LIST of RSS Feeds at eLearningLearning.com
[Instructional Design, RSS] 6 Quick Steps to Create a Game Based E-learning Course " One-Stop Resource for Instructional Designing TONY KARRER DELICIOUS LINKS
[Instructional Design, RSS] 3 powerful ideas you should steal from marketing MAKING CHANGE
[Instructional Design, RSS] First Time Visitor Guide TONY KARRER
[Instructional Design, RSS] My Interview in IDConnect LEARN AND LEAD
[Instructional Design, RSS] July’s Big Question: New Skills for Learning Professionals ADVENTURES IN CORPORATE EDUCATION
[Instructional Design, RSS] How humor helps + Powtoon review MAKING CHANGE
[Instructional Design, RSS] Are Trainers Still Needed? SIMPLIFY ELEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] How would you go about converting a face to face course to an eLearning format? EFRONT
[Instructional Design, RSS] 100 eLearning Articles and White Papers TONY KARRER
[Instructional Design, RSS] Do Instructional Designers in the Social Digital Age need an. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] eLearning Learning August Top Posts EXPERIENCING ELEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] The Connected Educator: Building a Professional Learning Network ALLISON ROSSETT
[Instructional Design, RSS] learning pulse DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] Free Storyboard Templates for e-Learning EFRONT
[Instructional Design, RSS] ZaidLearn: A Free Learning Tool for Every Learning Problem? ZAIDLEARN
[Instructional Design, RSS] e-Learning Glossaries EFRONT
[Instructional Design, RSS] Top 100 eLearning Items TONY KARRER
[Instructional Design, RSS] Learning 2.0 Strategy CLARK QUINN
[Instructional Design, RSS] My reflections on “MOOCs of Hazard” – a well-thought out, balanced article by Andrew Delbanco LEARNING ECOSYSTEMS
[Instructional Design, RSS] DevLearn follow up: Not only curation but also moderation and didactics CHALLENGE TO LEARN
[Instructional Design, RSS] Top 5 e-Learning books for beginners EFRONT
[Instructional Design, RSS] Facebook for e-Learning EFRONT
[Instructional Design, RSS] 50 Best eLearning Posts Of 2012 UPSIDE LEARNING BLOG
Instructional Design, RSS] Online Training Tips: Software Simulations Made Eas(ier) WWW.BRAINSHARK.COM
[Instructional Design, RSS] ZaidLearn: 8 Free Screencasting Tools For Tony! ZAIDLEARN
[Instructional Design, RSS] The top 10 reasons your mobile learning strategy will fail | Dawn. DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] The Connected Educator: Building a Professional Learning Network ALLISON ROSSETT
[Instructional Design, RSS] Top 68 eLearning Posts from April - Hot Topics iPad Google Buzz ELEARNING LEARNING POSTS
[Instructional Design, RSS] The most updated and popular E-Learning Blogs EFRONT
[Instructional Design, RSS] Three Reasons Why Corporate Training Departments Could Become. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] ZaidLearn: 75 Free EduGames to Spice Up Your Course! ZAIDLEARN
[Instructional Design, RSS] how not to adopt an lcms DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] The Juiciest Learning Professionals on Twitter? ZAIDLEARN
[Instructional Design, RSS] Free e-Learning books EFRONT
[Instructional Design, RSS] Organizing Content: PPT, Index Cards, Other Methods? EXPERIENCING ELEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] Supercomputer's Win on Jeopardy: Little Comfort to Those. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] How Social Networks Can Harness the Power of Weak Ties | Social. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] Give User Adoption the Respect it Deserves | Social Learning Blog SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] Analyzing the ROI of Social Media in Training | Social Learning Blog SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] Four Ways User-Generated Content (UGC) Can Make its Way into. DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] Why eLearning Development Ratios Can be Hazardous to Your Career. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] The most updated and informative e-Learning community on Twitter EFRONT
[Instructional Design, RSS] How long does it take to create learning? | Bryan Chapman TONY KARRER DELICIOUS LINKS
[Instructional Design, RSS] Why Companies Should Spend More on Social Learning | Social. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] The Wisdom of Experience: Simplifying Complex Learning Targets. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] Top 50 eLearning Posts For 2010 UPSIDE LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] #IeL09 The Social Web and Learning IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CURVE
[Instructional Design, RSS] The Best EDU Blogs on the Planet! ZAIDLEARN
[Instructional Design, RSS] Accelerated Learning: Where Does It Fit In? | Social Learning Blog SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] learning pulse DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] The $2 Whiteboard Shows Power of Peer-to-Peer Learning | Social. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] Camtasia Studio 8: Use Grouping to Cover up a Mistake VISUAL LOUNGE
[Instructional Design, RSS] ZaidLearn: Free Books about E-Learning (Jane Knight) ZAIDLEARN
[Instructional Design, RSS] Learning and Development Roundup (vol. 12) ELEMENT K BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] Kirkpatrick Revisited | Social Learning Blog SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] 2010 Redux LEARN AND LEAD
[Instructional Design, RSS] Main Page - Complexive.com TONY KARRER DELICIOUS LINKS
[Instructional Design, RSS] ZaidLearn: Amazing Free e-Learning eBooks Collection ZAIDLEARN
[Instructional Design, RSS] Online Video: the Perfect Social Learning Tool? | Social Learning Blog SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] Should I change the name of this blog? ELEARNING BLENDER
[Instructional Design, RSS] Coaching informal learning « Learning Journal LEARNING JOURNAL
[Instructional Design, RSS] e-Learning Guru TONY KARRER DELICIOUS LINKS
[Instructional Design, RSS] Why You Shouldn’t Use PowerPoint in (Most) Online Courses TONY KARRER DELICIOUS LINKS
[Instructional Design, RSS] #iel12 Fill the Gap: Mobile First IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CURVE
[Instructional Design, RSS] Online Academy Helps to Keep Lectures Where They Belong: Out of. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] The Freemium Three: Three Free Tools That Will Work Wonders For. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] Borrowing from the Library to Support Workplace Learning BAMBOO PROJECT
[Instructional Design, RSS] Five Myths of Social Learning DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] eLearn: In Depth Tutorials TONY KARRER DELICIOUS LINKS
[Instructional Design, RSS] Can Games Transform the World? | Social Learning Blog SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] Leveraging the Law of the Few to Manage Change in the Workplace. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] To-Learn List " Learning Journal LEARNING JOURNAL
[Instructional Design, RSS] Is There a Better Way to Social Learning? DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] Effective Web Conferences – 41 Resources TONY KARRER
[Instructional Design, RSS] Brain Rules for Learning: Who Knew? We All Did. | Social Learning Blog SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] A personal learning journey LEARNING AND WORKING ON THE WEB
[Instructional Design, RSS] eLearn Magazine - Education and Technology in Perspective TONY KARRER DELICIOUS LINKS
[Instructional Design, RSS] Kevin Mulvihill Now A Featured Writer On eLearning Learning SUDDEN INSIGHT
[Instructional Design, RSS] iPad & eBooks: A Game Changer for Blended Learning DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] Top 11 to 20 Authoring Tools for 2013 ELEARNING 24-7 |
[Instructional Design, RSS] The Age of “Lean Manufacturing” in Learning Content Management Systems DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] Jay Cross's Informal Learning - Untitled Article JAY CROSS'S INFORMAL LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] 10 eLearning Thought Leaders to Follow Right Now WWW.BRAINSHARK.COM
[Instructional Design, RSS] The Impact of Social Learning: Will You Be The First? | Social. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] [from jaycross] The many faces of elearning | The eLearning Network TONY KARRER DELICIOUS LINKS
[Instructional Design, RSS] Edublog Award Nominations DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] e-learning 2.0 - how Web technologies are shaping education TONY KARRER DELICIOUS LINKS
[Instructional Design, RSS] Four Reasons you need structure for informal learning DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] eBook: Interactive Learning Goes Mobile WWW.BRAINSHARK.COM
[Instructional Design, RSS] here is a Link to a LIST of RSS Feeds at eLearningLearning.com
[Instructional Design, RSS] 6 Quick Steps to Create a Game Based E-learning Course " One-Stop Resource for Instructional Designing TONY KARRER DELICIOUS LINKS
[Instructional Design, RSS] 3 powerful ideas you should steal from marketing MAKING CHANGE
[Instructional Design, RSS] First Time Visitor Guide TONY KARRER
[Instructional Design, RSS] My Interview in IDConnect LEARN AND LEAD
[Instructional Design, RSS] July’s Big Question: New Skills for Learning Professionals ADVENTURES IN CORPORATE EDUCATION
[Instructional Design, RSS] How humor helps + Powtoon review MAKING CHANGE
[Instructional Design, RSS] Are Trainers Still Needed? SIMPLIFY ELEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] How would you go about converting a face to face course to an eLearning format? EFRONT
[Instructional Design, RSS] 100 eLearning Articles and White Papers TONY KARRER
[Instructional Design, RSS] Do Instructional Designers in the Social Digital Age need an. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] eLearning Learning August Top Posts EXPERIENCING ELEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] The Connected Educator: Building a Professional Learning Network ALLISON ROSSETT
[Instructional Design, RSS] learning pulse DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] Free Storyboard Templates for e-Learning EFRONT
[Instructional Design, RSS] ZaidLearn: A Free Learning Tool for Every Learning Problem? ZAIDLEARN
[Instructional Design, RSS] e-Learning Glossaries EFRONT
[Instructional Design, RSS] Top 100 eLearning Items TONY KARRER
[Instructional Design, RSS] Learning 2.0 Strategy CLARK QUINN
[Instructional Design, RSS] My reflections on “MOOCs of Hazard” – a well-thought out, balanced article by Andrew Delbanco LEARNING ECOSYSTEMS
[Instructional Design, RSS] DevLearn follow up: Not only curation but also moderation and didactics CHALLENGE TO LEARN
[Instructional Design, RSS] Top 5 e-Learning books for beginners EFRONT
[Instructional Design, RSS] Facebook for e-Learning EFRONT
[Instructional Design, RSS] 50 Best eLearning Posts Of 2012 UPSIDE LEARNING BLOG
Instructional Design, RSS] Online Training Tips: Software Simulations Made Eas(ier) WWW.BRAINSHARK.COM
[Instructional Design, RSS] ZaidLearn: 8 Free Screencasting Tools For Tony! ZAIDLEARN
[Instructional Design, RSS] The top 10 reasons your mobile learning strategy will fail | Dawn. DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] The Connected Educator: Building a Professional Learning Network ALLISON ROSSETT
[Instructional Design, RSS] Top 68 eLearning Posts from April - Hot Topics iPad Google Buzz ELEARNING LEARNING POSTS
[Instructional Design, RSS] The most updated and popular E-Learning Blogs EFRONT
[Instructional Design, RSS] Three Reasons Why Corporate Training Departments Could Become. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] ZaidLearn: 75 Free EduGames to Spice Up Your Course! ZAIDLEARN
[Instructional Design, RSS] how not to adopt an lcms DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] The Juiciest Learning Professionals on Twitter? ZAIDLEARN
[Instructional Design, RSS] Free e-Learning books EFRONT
[Instructional Design, RSS] Organizing Content: PPT, Index Cards, Other Methods? EXPERIENCING ELEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] Supercomputer's Win on Jeopardy: Little Comfort to Those. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] How Social Networks Can Harness the Power of Weak Ties | Social. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] Give User Adoption the Respect it Deserves | Social Learning Blog SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] Analyzing the ROI of Social Media in Training | Social Learning Blog SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] Four Ways User-Generated Content (UGC) Can Make its Way into. DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] Why eLearning Development Ratios Can be Hazardous to Your Career. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] The most updated and informative e-Learning community on Twitter EFRONT
[Instructional Design, RSS] How long does it take to create learning? | Bryan Chapman TONY KARRER DELICIOUS LINKS
[Instructional Design, RSS] Why Companies Should Spend More on Social Learning | Social. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] The Wisdom of Experience: Simplifying Complex Learning Targets. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] Top 50 eLearning Posts For 2010 UPSIDE LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] #IeL09 The Social Web and Learning IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CURVE
[Instructional Design, RSS] The Best EDU Blogs on the Planet! ZAIDLEARN
[Instructional Design, RSS] Accelerated Learning: Where Does It Fit In? | Social Learning Blog SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] learning pulse DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] The $2 Whiteboard Shows Power of Peer-to-Peer Learning | Social. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] Camtasia Studio 8: Use Grouping to Cover up a Mistake VISUAL LOUNGE
[Instructional Design, RSS] ZaidLearn: Free Books about E-Learning (Jane Knight) ZAIDLEARN
[Instructional Design, RSS] Learning and Development Roundup (vol. 12) ELEMENT K BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] Kirkpatrick Revisited | Social Learning Blog SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] 2010 Redux LEARN AND LEAD
[Instructional Design, RSS] Main Page - Complexive.com TONY KARRER DELICIOUS LINKS
[Instructional Design, RSS] ZaidLearn: Amazing Free e-Learning eBooks Collection ZAIDLEARN
[Instructional Design, RSS] Online Video: the Perfect Social Learning Tool? | Social Learning Blog SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] Should I change the name of this blog? ELEARNING BLENDER
[Instructional Design, RSS] Coaching informal learning « Learning Journal LEARNING JOURNAL
[Instructional Design, RSS] e-Learning Guru TONY KARRER DELICIOUS LINKS
[Instructional Design, RSS] Why You Shouldn’t Use PowerPoint in (Most) Online Courses TONY KARRER DELICIOUS LINKS
[Instructional Design, RSS] #iel12 Fill the Gap: Mobile First IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CURVE
[Instructional Design, RSS] Online Academy Helps to Keep Lectures Where They Belong: Out of. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] The Freemium Three: Three Free Tools That Will Work Wonders For. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] Borrowing from the Library to Support Workplace Learning BAMBOO PROJECT
[Instructional Design, RSS] Five Myths of Social Learning DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] eLearn: In Depth Tutorials TONY KARRER DELICIOUS LINKS
[Instructional Design, RSS] Can Games Transform the World? | Social Learning Blog SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] Leveraging the Law of the Few to Manage Change in the Workplace. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] To-Learn List " Learning Journal LEARNING JOURNAL
[Instructional Design, RSS] Is There a Better Way to Social Learning? DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] Effective Web Conferences – 41 Resources TONY KARRER
[Instructional Design, RSS] Brain Rules for Learning: Who Knew? We All Did. | Social Learning Blog SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] A personal learning journey LEARNING AND WORKING ON THE WEB
[Instructional Design, RSS] eLearn Magazine - Education and Technology in Perspective TONY KARRER DELICIOUS LINKS
[Instructional Design, RSS] Kevin Mulvihill Now A Featured Writer On eLearning Learning SUDDEN INSIGHT
[Instructional Design, RSS] iPad & eBooks: A Game Changer for Blended Learning DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] Top 11 to 20 Authoring Tools for 2013 ELEARNING 24-7 |
[Instructional Design, RSS] The Age of “Lean Manufacturing” in Learning Content Management Systems DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] Jay Cross's Informal Learning - Untitled Article JAY CROSS'S INFORMAL LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] 10 eLearning Thought Leaders to Follow Right Now WWW.BRAINSHARK.COM
[Instructional Design, RSS] The Impact of Social Learning: Will You Be The First? | Social. SOCIAL LEARNING BLOG
[Instructional Design, RSS] [from jaycross] The many faces of elearning | The eLearning Network TONY KARRER DELICIOUS LINKS
[Instructional Design, RSS] Edublog Award Nominations DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] e-learning 2.0 - how Web technologies are shaping education TONY KARRER DELICIOUS LINKS
[Instructional Design, RSS] Four Reasons you need structure for informal learning DAWN OF LEARNING
[Instructional Design, RSS] eBook: Interactive Learning Goes Mobile WWW.BRAINSHARK.COM
Response to Info on the Blogsites
response to Sarah's blog post
Gagne's Nine Levels of Learning
This is a great source and resource for some Training Information on how to Train People.
Everyone has different Learning Styles and the Gagne's 9 Levels of Learning is presented here. There is an excellent graphic that lays out the 9 Levels and Instructions and Benefits of using this model. very Informative. Thank You Sarah.
response to Richard's blog post
Dr. John Medina's Brain Rules
This is a great List of Brain related Topics. Richard how do You find the Time to find so many Interesting websites? This is way cool dude.
Gagne's Nine Levels of Learning
This is a great source and resource for some Training Information on how to Train People.
Everyone has different Learning Styles and the Gagne's 9 Levels of Learning is presented here. There is an excellent graphic that lays out the 9 Levels and Instructions and Benefits of using this model. very Informative. Thank You Sarah.
response to Richard's blog post
Dr. John Medina's Brain Rules
This is a great List of Brain related Topics. Richard how do You find the Time to find so many Interesting websites? This is way cool dude.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
m.e. 1st Learning 1.0 & 2.0
we are now in a new stage of "mobile eLearning" similar to what the Internet has already gone thru in transitioning from "Internet 1.0" to "Internet 2.0". as far as the timeline of the development of "mobile eLearning" goes, we are at a stage of "mobile eLearning 1.0"
"m.e. Learning 1.0 = m.e. 1st Learning 1.0"
hopefully someday soon we will transition into another phase of "Individual Interactivity"
"m.e. 1st Learning 2.0" or "m.e. 2 m.e. 1st Learning 1.0"
what would That look like?
what would be different in 2.0?
more Interactivity? more Individual Learning?
so where and what will be the next "Great Transition" or "pair-of-dimes" shift?
"T.o.t.a.l. = Techniques of Transitional asynchronous Learning"
"F.a.t.a.l. = Far-reaching Absolute Transitional asynchronous Learning"
"m.e. Learning 1.0 = m.e. 1st Learning 1.0"
hopefully someday soon we will transition into another phase of "Individual Interactivity"
"m.e. 1st Learning 2.0" or "m.e. 2 m.e. 1st Learning 1.0"
what would That look like?
what would be different in 2.0?
more Interactivity? more Individual Learning?
so where and what will be the next "Great Transition" or "pair-of-dimes" shift?
"T.o.t.a.l. = Techniques of Transitional asynchronous Learning"
"F.a.t.a.l. = Far-reaching Absolute Transitional asynchronous Learning"
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
WU 6115 Blog feed post 01
OnLine Learning Insights
Missouri State University Indstructional Design blog
Missouri State University Indstructional Design blog
upsideLearning.com -- Quotes of the Day
check This out. These are some interesting Ideas.
check This out. These are some interesting Ideas.
upsideLearning.com -- Amit Garg's excellent website
This is Amit Garg's excellent website for eLearning
(main page)
Fred - Responsive eLearning Made Easy
F.R.E.D. = Framework for Responsive eLearning Development
Forever Reading Electronic Devices
This is a great site for eLearning. Responsive Design for all modes of eLearning.
T.O.M. = Tap or Map
(main page)
Fred - Responsive eLearning Made Easy
F.R.E.D. = Framework for Responsive eLearning Development
Forever Reading Electronic Devices
This is a great site for eLearning. Responsive Design for all modes of eLearning.
T.O.M. = Tap or Map
Monday, January 13, 2014
WU 6115 -- software -- Jing
Dr. Shirley, Thank You for the Link and Info on Jing. I found the Tutorial page at:
There are a LOT of Tutorials. so much to Learn. way cool Thank You again
There are a LOT of Tutorials. so much to Learn. way cool Thank You again
WU 6115 Info for blogging IDT
30 Top Online Resources For Instructional Designers To Keep Up With
"ID is an interesting domain to be involved in. On the one hand, you are continuously learning about different work environments as you are called upon to resolve different performance issues. On the other hand, your understanding of the domain, and your role in it, changes over time.
As an instructional designer, you start by learning a whole lot of theories and models. You refine your understanding of these models as you use them in different situations and projects. After a few years you realize that instructional design is more an art rather than just pure science – it is a skill honed with experience, and can’t really be narrowed down into a set of guidelines that will fit every situation. Not every qualified instructional designer is able to create great learning experiences."
As an instructional designer, you start by learning a whole lot of theories and models. You refine your understanding of these models as you use them in different situations and projects. After a few years you realize that instructional design is more an art rather than just pure science – it is a skill honed with experience, and can’t really be narrowed down into a set of guidelines that will fit every situation. Not every qualified instructional designer is able to create great learning experiences."
This website is a Gold Mine (or is it a Gold Mind?) ok just browsing around and got "lost" but i ended up "finding" This. yahoo or woohoo!!
This is an excellent layout that explains the similarities and the differences of the various different design strategies. This is in a table format with links to larger views of the Images. and links at the bottom of each column to additional Information about the etc various techniques.
I posted a comment to Don Clark at:
Cammy Bean's Learning Visions:
Musings on eLearning and instructional design from Kineo's VP of Learning Design.
This website has a lot of cool useful Information for ID
Getting Started with Instructional Design:
Instructional Designers' Tools:
What Tools do Instructional Designers actually need to use?:
Instructional Designer Careers:
10 Best Blogs for Instructional Design:
33 Best eLearning Posts Of 2013:
Putting the "Design" into Instructional Design
Check out the Interactive example of the Light Switch!!!!
Matching the Right Design Strategy to the Right Content:
"Learning professionals have a wide variety of technology-based tools available for the creation and delivery of instruction, but tools alone are not sufficient for creating instruction that changes behavior, influences learners, and ultimately improves organizations. The instruction must be properly designed, crafted, and presented. To truly create effective instruction, learning professionals need to match the right instructional strategy to the content being delivered, whether online or in a classroom. You cannot teach how to solve a customer billing complaint using the same strategies used to teach an employee how to log on to the corporate intranet."
Explorable Interfaces:
Interaction Design Section:
Lots of various Design Ideas, by Chuck Green, cool stuff:
Book Review: Design For How People Learn:
"Julie Dirksen knows her stuff. As a former staffer with Allen Interactions, she’s been around the best and was obviously paying attention. Design For How People Learn is a comprehensive book that succeeds in laying out the fundamental tenets of contemporary instructional design.
This is not a college textbook, folks. It reads like an entertaining conversation with a friend who has taken you under her wing because she sincerely wants to help you become a better instructional designer. If you listen and apply what she suggests, there is no doubt but that you will become a better instructional designer too. You will create smart e-learning."
and This is Julie Dirksens former boss, Michael Allen, free PDF download of Chptr 5
Curious about a career in instructional design and technology?
sign up for a 12 class (free) course about getting into Instructional Design
from Connie Malamed at The eLearning Coach
Top 10 List:
This website has so much to offer. There are sections for: Podcasts, eLearning Design, eLearning 2.0, Cognition, Graphics Audio, Reviews, Mobile & Business. The section for eLearning Design has a section for Audience, Instructional Design, Learning Objectives, Storyboarding, Tests & User Interface. This is quite a load of Information to digest.
in the section eLearning 2.0 there are etc articles: 14 Ways to Learn in 2014 The blog author Connie Malamed discusses the "human drive to create", our ability to innovate on a ceaselessly never ending cycle of knowledge.
in another article in eLearning 2.0:
Learning On Demand: How the Evolution of Technology is Shaping the Future of Learning
"In Learning on Demand: How the Evolution of Technology is Shaping the Future of Learning, author Reuben Tozman suggests innovative ways for us to approach the systems we should be working toward and the ways in which we support people to do their jobs. Reuben is the founder and CEO of SlideJar, a cloud-based asset management company. He is also the co-founder and former CLO of edCetra Training."
Ruben Tozman explains,"The core thesis of the book, is that designers need to start accounting for the technologies that have fueled the growth of the web. Currently designers are using an outdated paradigm for designing, structuring and developing electronic assets that live on the web that run contrary to how the web actually ‘likes’ content. By looking at how the web became such an integral part of our lives, there are five principles of designing digital assets that we need to account for. They are: Feed the web, Help the web understand, Expose yourself, Make it viral and Communicate."
I really like the section on Cognition. Thinking about Thinking about How we Learn. (what happened to eThink?) Cogito, ergo sum. (or is it?) Cogito ergo consume (more modern)
"So, what does it take to be an effective and innovative designer of online courses? Having been in the field for 20 years, I have managed, mentored, learned from, watched and analyzed the skills of many instructional designers. As a result, I have distilled the qualities, knowledge and skills I think the ideal instructional designer should possess or develop into a Top 10 List. This list focuses on instructional design for eLearning."
The successful instructional designer should:
Conceptually and intuitively understand how people learn.
Know how to connect with an audience on an emotional level.
Be capable of imagining oneself as the learner/audience member.
Be obsessed with learning everything.
Brainstorm creative treatments and innovative instructional strategies.
Visualize instructional graphics, the user interface, interactions and the finished product.
Write effective copy, instructional text, audio scripts and video scripts.
Meld minds with Subject Matter Experts and team members.
Know the capabilities of eLearning development tools and software.
Understand related fields—usability and experience design, information design, communications and new technologies.
5 Levers Of eLearning Design
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